Friday, May 29, 2009

Workouts with a partner

There are many times a client will come to me and request that they train with another at the same time. For one it is much cheaper for each to train this way plus it gives the added benefit of having each other push each other. I personally love training two for ones as we call it in the biz.

One of the first things that comes up though is how can I get two different people to train the same even though they possibly are at different fitness levels.

Well, it is pretty easy actually. I formulate a fitness program that allows each of them to “need” the other for most exercises. Let me explain.

Lets take a real world situation of a program I just designed for a couple at Bayshore.

1) They well both around the same age.
2) It was a man and his wife.
3) They both were super-charged in starting their program.
4) The both agreed to workout together.

Here is an example of some of the exercises I had them do together.
1) Partner pushups where each partner claps the opposite hands of their partner when they come up from the pushup.
2) Medicine ball ab lifts. One partner does an AB crunch while throwing the medicine ball to their partner. Then the partner throws it back to them when they are about to descend.
3) Flexibility ball knockouts. One partner holds a flexibility ball while the other try’s to knock it out of their hands. It sounds silly but if you have never tried this it is so intense.
4) Hand presses while your partner provides resistance.

Though there were a few others I hope you get my point. Many exercises can become partner required if you think them out. And the benefit of working with another could really blast your workouts and take them to another level.

I have only touched upon the workout philosophy of partners. Other times I will create programs for partners that require super-setting and pyramiding type workouts. The possibilities are really endless.

If you can get another person to workout with you and you incorporate the “need” for each other. Not only will you see amazing results you will also start to rely on each other for that needed push to make you stick with it.

As always - I am available for personal training either in person (if in NJ) or over the web. If you feel you have stalled in your pursuit of fitness and need some expert knowledge to get you on track reach out to me.


Eddie Camaroto CPT
Perfect You LLC

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