Sunday, June 15, 2008

Exercise Progression - Tidbit part 2

Okay, Now that you know about the killer Eccentric progression lets talk about another that you might want to utilize in your exercise programs to get better results, overcome gym boredom, or just for fun.

I realize that I may have to break the Tidbits into more then two parts - there just is too many things to tell you all about. Plus, I said I would try to keep my posts smaller. So with that being said...

First, lets get a definition you should be aware of.

Circuit training - Most gyms have an area dedicated to Circuit training that consists of 8-12 machines that work the major muscles of the body(Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, and legs). If your gym does not have one of these areas post me and I will give you a workout that utilizes the same muscles I describe. Circuit training involves doing each "station"(machine) for one set at about 8-12 reps and then moving on to the next machine - without rest. When you reach the last machine you go back and do them again. You would do this for 2-3 sets. Most of the time 2 sets on the machines will take you under 30 minutes to complete.

Now I admit that Circuit training is not going to build much muscle (unless you are de-conditioned) and you may question why I would include it as an exercise progression. But you are going to find that there are going to be some days during your exercise routine that you either have little time or really do not have the motivation to do your workout. Well, this is the best time to get your butt to the gym and do something simple to keep that muscle tone. And Circuit training is the perfect option. You will have an easier workout, get a little Cardio work from moving with no rest from machine to machine, keep your muscles and joints moving, spend little time at the gym, and get that feel good feeling from exercising. And that my friends is a progression because if you did not get to the gym you would lose some gains.

The generally accepted theory is that for every 1 day of muscle work it takes two days to lose that benefit. Simple stated if you work your exercise program for 3 months and take off for 6 months you will lose almost everything you worked so hard for.

So when you are rushed for time or your drive is dampened - get to that gym and do a Circuit training workout that lasts under 30 minutes and be proud of yourself for your dedication and progression. You will keep your muscles toned and negate the loss factor of doing nothing. Plus you will get a little cardio benefit as well.

As always - I am available for personal training either in person (if in NJ) or over the web. My rates are $75.00 per hour for in-person training and $25.00 per hour for email personal training. If you feel you have stalled in your pursuit of fitness and need some expert knowledge to get you on track reach out to me.


Eddie Camaroto CPT


Dan Z said...

You have a really useful site here.
I hope a lot of folks will want to train with you one-on-one, so they can benefit from the kind of motivation and support you offer, as well as so they can learn from your encyclopedic knowledge of fitness.

Eddie said...

Dan, thank you for the kind words. My hope is I can write with the expertise and poetic nature that you do. Why don't you send me a link to your books you have written to display on my site. We all love poetry as well as seeing the anagram method that you created to share with the world. All the best Dan.