Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Aftermath: Maintaining

The Aftermath: Maintaining

I have been about the same weight for going on 3 years now. I’m not going to lie & say it’s been easy, ‘cause it hasn’t; but coming as far as I did sure makes it far less difficult to stay focused. I know that I will never in my life be as big as I once was but I do find that I struggle to stay as disciplined as I was when I first started on my journey to lose weight. At first it’s easy because the results are motivation in themselves – enough to keep you going. Then you’ve got the added push from people noticing all around & constantly telling you how great you look and praising your hard work. But what do you do when you reach your goal & the dust settles? How do you keep from going back to where you came from or yo-yoing back & forth? To be honest, I don’t have a concrete answer. Anyone can sit & preach that you just have to keep doing what you’re doing – exercise & eat right. I’ve been there & I’m still here – it’s not as simple as it sounds. At the end of the day, the most important thing you can do is remember that you are here to live your life & be happy. Yes, it’s important to be healthy but if it means you lose the joy from your life or feel like you are constantly restricted, you are dooming yourself by setting a trap for a big fall. Take things day by day & do what makes you feel good. Remember that it’s ok to ‘cheat’ and indulge once in a while. Make sure you aren’t being too hard on yourself. It’s a constant battle & it probably always will be, so do your best to roll with the punches. Tomorrow is always another day where you can start fresh, so don’t beat yourself up over whatever might have happened today. Remembering how far you came & the work you did to get here will help. I think the hardest part is when everyone gets used to the new you & all the praise & compliments slow down…maybe even come to a stop. You start to get comfortable…. start to slack off… That is when you have to remind yourself. Keep ‘before’ picturess & a piece or two of clothing from before you lost weight. When you start to slip, pull them out & remind yourself how hard you worked & why you did it in the first place. Focus on how good you feel, how different things are now & how much easier certain activities have become. In the grand scheme of things, your weight should not be the most pressing matter on your to-do list – we’ve all got much bigger problems to deal with. Don’t let it stress you out more than it should & never let it consume you completely. Take a deep breath & hit the reset button. Remember to take things day-by-day, ‘live, love & laugh’!!!!!

Melissa has the gift of producing weight loss for our clients. She has been there and conquered all the odds to transform herself. If you are having weight loss issues please reach out to Melissa. She just might be the ONE person in your life that can make a difference and give you back your life. She has been where you are - and she was able to rise from the depths to make her body what she always envisioned it to be.

Melissa COO/CPT
Executive Vice President
Group Exercise, Program Design and Customer Service

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