Saturday, December 6, 2008

'The Breaking Point'

This article comes from Melissa, one of my partners, who is an AFAA certified Personal Trainer. Her before and after pictures are a true inspiration of her dedication to what ever she puts her mind to. She has transformed her body and can do the same for you. Melissa is available for in-person Personal Training sessions as well as creating an eight week virtual (email) personal training program to help you meet your individual needs as you work your way to that "Perfect You". She could just be the one person that can truly inspire you to reach your goals. She is always available to answer your questions.

'The Breaking Point'

I lost 100 pounds.

By myself.

People always ask me 'how'd you do it?' seemingly in hopes that my answer will be short, sweet & contain some sort of magical formula that will make them instantly drop 20 pounds.

Sorry, it doesn't quite work like that & each time I respond I meet disappointment & sometimes even a loss of interest in the matter altogether. The truth is, it took a lot of the same thing you hear being preached at every health club and on every episode, book, workout or meal plan that Oprah endorses. The 'magic formula' does indeed exist & it's actually quite simple; the problem with it is the time that it takes to work. That's where people turn a cold shoulder or give up in exchange for the never-ending 'Quick Fix Quest'.

Exercise + Smart Food Choices = Your Perfect Body

However, contrary to what most people believe, it's really not the magic formula they are, or should be searching for; after all, it is almost common knowledge nowadays. It's what I like to call 'The Breaking Point' that seems to elude most. It's not as if I didn't do what every other person out there on the Quick Fix Quest does - guilty as charged. Like so many, I was in constant search mode for the diet, the workout, the pill or the surgery that would have me dropping clothes sizes in a matter of weeks without changing a single part of the comfortable habits I'd settled into. And like so many, I met my fair share of disappointment & scams alike. Highly discouraging scenarios but not without value, for they sparked the realization that
the only way to get what I truly wanted (and this goes for more than just weight loss by the way) was through sacrifice. I finally accepted that you really can't 'have your cake & eat it too,' (without the inevitable excess weight piling on).

When I finally started to examine the 'why' behind my obesity & paying attention to the things that were part of my daily life that perpetuated the situation I obsessed about, things began to fall into place. For me, the biggest problem turned out to be lack of education in nutrition. I had absolutely no concept of portions. Once the biggest problem was identified, it became easier and easier to start changing things to get the results that I had so long sought after. I took baby steps & came to see that anything that seems too good to be true, truly is & a quick fix will NEVER teach you the lessons necessary for longevity. Only when you are ready to make a real
commitment to yourself, invest your time & energy, and make some sacrifices, will you appreciate & respect the results that you get.

That, my friends, is the 'secret'. Take your time! We as a society are so caught up in the culture of convenience that we fail to remember there is ALWAYS tomorrow - a brand new day just waiting for you to make or break it. Progress takes time.

Awareness + Determination & Commitment = The Breaking Point

Being aware does come with the price of energy expenditure, which is also too often the undoing of many ambitious intentions. Who wants to always have to stop & think before they do something that used to come as second nature (like eating)? However, like anything else in life,
once you get past the initial newness, less effort has to be expended and what was once so difficult & daunting takes the place of those unhealthy habits that were once so comfortable. In my experience, I have also found what works best for me is remembering how good the results feel. Whether it's the accomplishment I feel after a good workout, the satisfaction of a meal that won't make me feel guilty, or remembering how it felt the first time I put on a pair of jeans that
didn't have a double-digit size. I call on memories of hearing exclamations of compliment from people who noticed my progress or hadn't seen me in some time & couldn't believe how far I'd come and how amazing it felt to be able to do things most people take for
granted (like clothes shopping, sitting (and actually fitting) in the chairs at stadiums/theatres/etc. and walking through turnstiles without having to turn sideways to name a few).

Use positive reinforcement for yourself! Don't beat yourself up! We all make mistakes. It is much easier to err on the side of negativity for most people & that only serves to defeat us further. Focus on the positives & you can't go wrong! So you went ahead and ate the cake
today. You know what? There's always tomorrow! And if you want it bad enough, you'll reach the point where you know you're ready and suddenly you're unstoppable. The choice is up to you: continue on in a futile quest that perpetuates a cycle of self defeat and disappointment, or take the first baby step toward the goal that will change your life forever.

Good luck!! :)
Melissa COO/CPT
Executive Vice President
Group Exercise, Program Design and Customer Service

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