Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hotel room workouts

Hotel Workouts

Just because you have no fitness equipment on your vacation does not mean you should be sacrificing your fitness.

Some types of exercise that you can do in your hotel room:

1)Squats – Pick a place in your hotel room and do some deep squats.
2)Lunges – Pick a place in your hotel room and do some deep lunges.
3)Calf raises – Place your feet on top of a phone book (most hotels have them tucked away in a drawer – usually next to a bible) and do some calf raises.
4)Abdominal crunches – Place a bath towel on the ground and bang out some tummy tightening abdominal crunches.
5)Inner/outer thigh raises – Place a bath towel on the ground and lie on your side. Make sure both feet are together then move your top foot forward and raise it up as high as you can go for a set amount of repetitions. Next put your feet back together and move your bottom foot forward and raise it up as high as you can for the set amount of repetitions. When done move your body to your other side and repeat.
6)Pushups – Put a bath towel on the ground and do some tried and true old-fashioned push-ups.
7)Chair dips – Grab a chair and step in front of it. Next lower your body so that you can grab the chair with both of your hands from behind. Now move your self forward, away from the chair, and lower your body below the chair, then raise it back up again. Do a set amount of repetitions.
8)Suitcase presses - Fill up your suitcase with some clothes and do some overhead shoulder presses.
9)Suitcase bench presses - Fill up your suitcase with some clothes and do some bench presses on your bed.
10)Jumping jacks – Do this old time gym favorite in your hotel room to get some cardio workout in.
11)Sideways lunges – Do some deep sideways lunges.
12)Pretend jump rope – Go through the motions, with your hands and feet – of jumping rope just as if you had the real thing. This is a great cardio exercise.
13)Hamstring lifts off a mattress – Lie on your bed. Have your feet bent and the bottoms of your feet on the bed. Now raise your butt and lower back off the bed till you form a slanted bridge with your body then lower and repeat.

These exercises can be done anywhere and give you a sense of pride that you are not letting your fitness goals slip away.

As always - I am available for personal training either in person (if in NJ) or over the web. My rates are $50.00 per hour for in-person training and $15.00 per hour for email personal training. If you feel you have stalled in your pursuit of fitness and need some expert knowledge to get you on track reach out to me.


Eddie Camaroto CPT

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