Saturday, June 28, 2008

Formulas - Waist to hip ratio

To all, I have not been able to post the last few days because of quite a few commitments and a new job. But I am back again.

Okay, lets talk about a critical formula EVERYONE should try. Why, because it is a great predictor of obesity and diseases such as diabetes and heart issues - and science backs it up - study after study.

First, lets get some definitions out of the way.

Waist to hip ratio - A measure for determining health risk due to the site of fat storage.

You will need a cloth tape measure and a partner to help you take the measurement. When you use the cloth tape measure do not stretch it out or your readings may not be accurate.

You will need to take two measurements. First take a measurement of your hips by placing the tape measure over the your butt where it protrudes the most. Then take a tape measurement of your waist by placing the tape measure at the narrowest point, below the rib cage and just above the hip bones (you will be close to the belly button).

Now take the waist measurement and divide it by the hip measurement. Compare your result with the table below.

Make sure you convert your measurements into inches.

Here is the table you would use to determine your health risk:

High risk*************>1.0**********>0.85
Moderately high risk***0.90 - 1.0*****0.80 - 0.85
Lower risk************<0.90********<0.80

You probably have heard about body shape defined as pear shape or apple shape. Well this formula will confirm what you have heard. An apple body shape puts you at a higher risk of health problems then a pear shape.

I hope you all try this measurement. It really is a very critical measurement that everyone should do.

When you take this measurement please do the measurements twice and wait 15 minutes between measurements. Then take the average of those two measurements to form a more accurate representation of your true measurement.

If you have any difficulty or questions just let me know.

As always - I am available for personal training either in person (if in NJ) or over the web. My rates are $75.00 per hour for in-person training and $25.00 per hour for email personal training. If you feel you have stalled in your pursuit of fitness and need some expert knowledge to get you on track reach out to me.


Eddie Camaroto CPT

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