Wednesday, June 25, 2008

To all, I have had some questions about my post ( that I should clarify. I really should of clarified it in my post - and I apologize for that.

Some of the subscribers to this blog have questioned what exactly I meant by my post. Well let me clear it up. By the way I LOVE being corrected by my subscribers it show me what a great group of knowledgeable - smart people you really are. It is my honor to have you on this blog. Keep up the comments and setting me straight. I hope I have made you even smarter.

After you have calculated your resting metabolic rate you are left with a number that is very low. What I neglected to tell you is that this number ONLY signifies the absolute minimum caloric needs that your body uses daily to support basic life function. NOT what your body needs to fuel you!

You need to take that low number and times it by 60% to 70% to calculate your daily caloric needs. After you take your magic number and times it by 60% to 70% you would add that number to your Resting Metabolic Rate to come up with a daily caloric need for your body.

So if we use me as an example:
I am a male so I use the male formula.
I am 5' 6'' tall or 66 inches * 2.54 or 167.64 centimeters
I weight 160 pounds or 160 * 0.45359237 or 72.5747792 kilograms
I am 40 years old.

Resting Metabolic Rate = 66 + (5 * 167.54) + (13.8 * 72.5747792) - (6.8 * 40) or 66 + (837.70)+ (1001.53) - (272) or 1633.23.

Then I times this amount by:
1633.23 * .60 or 980 or 1633 + 980 or 2613 to maintain my current weight at the low end.
1633.23 * .70 or 72.5747792 or 1633 + 1143 or 2776 to maintain my current weight at the high end.

I hope you can see that this formula fits in real nicely into the the daily recommendation of 2500 calories per day. If I want to lose weight I need to burn an additional 500 calories per day 7 days a week to lose a pound (remember a pound of fat is 3500 calories). Bringing down my calories to 2276 per day still provides my body with an amount it CAN survive on since my bodily functions require 1623.23 to support basic function.

As you can see every individual has a different caloric need and diets just do not take this into consideration - but you NEED TO. I will address the current diet plans in a future post - know that I have no faith in them at all - they really are a sham that provides hope that is not possible to the average individual. Scientific studies of all the current diets prove that they do not provide sustained weight loss over a period of two years. You will gain the weight back. Follow the real methods like the one I have posted and you will lose the weight. But my rantings belong in another post/theme.

Put this formula to work for you in your dieting needs and you can super charge your weight loss efforts. This is proven science and it will give you the edge on weight loss that others are not privy to.


Eddie Camaroto CPT

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